78 research outputs found

    Administration of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and xylitol with a novel pacifier in early childhood

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    Probiotic bifidobacteria are used in the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. On the other hand, these bacteria are also connected to dental caries. The purpose of the present work was to test a food supplement containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 (B. lactis BB-12) and xylitol, and to investigate its health effects, properties and safety when used in a novel pacifier in early childhood. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, newborn infants (n=163) were assigned randomly to receive B. lactis BB-12, xylitol, or sorbitol from the age of 1– 2 monthsto 2 years with a pacifier or a spoon. Children were followed up to four years of age. A part of the parents participating in the clinical trial evaluated the feasibility of the novel administration method. The pattern of tablet release from the pouch of the pacifier was tested in adults. The food supplement tablet containing B. lactis BB-12 and xylitol could be delivered in a safe and controlled way with the novel pacifier. The early administration of B. lactis BB-12 did not result in permanent oral colonization of this probiotic or affect the colonization of mutans streptococci in early childhood. Moreover, B. lactis BB-12 did not increase the occurrence of caries. Controlled administration of B. lactis BB-12 significantly reduced the incidence of respiratory infections during the first eight months of life in a Finnish population with breastfed infants. To conclude, administration of B. lactis BB-12 in early childhood is safe with regard to the future dental health of the child. In addition, B. lactis BB-12 may add to the protection against respiratory infections provided by human breast milk in infancy.Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12:n ja ksylitolin annostelu varhaislapsuudessa uudella taskututilla Probioottisia bifidobakteereja käytetään lasten sairauksien ennaltaehkäisyssä ja hoidossa. Bifidobakteerit on toisaalta myös liitetty hampaiden reikiintymiseen. Tämän työn tarkoitus oli testata Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12:a (B. lactis BB-12) ja ksylitolia sisältävän ravintolisäpuristeen annostelua uudella taskututilla, sekä tutkia annostelun turvallisuutta ja vaikutusta lasten terveyteen. Tutkimuksessa vastasyntyneille lapsille (n=163) annosteltiin tutilla tai lusikalla B. lactis BB-12:a, ksylitolia tai sorbitolia 1–2 kuukauden iästä lähtien kahteen ikävuoteen saakka. Lapsia seurattiin neljän vuoden ikään asti. Osa tutkimusperheistä osallistui jatkotutkimukseen, jossa arvioitiin uuden annostelumenetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta. Lisäksi puristeen liukenemista tutin taskusta tutkittiin aikuisilla. Tutkimus osoitti, että B. lactis BB-12:a ja ksylitolia sisältävää ravintolisäpuristetta voitiin annostella turvallisesti ja luotettavasti taskututilla. B. lactis BB-12 ei kolonisoitunut suuhun, eikä se vaikuttanut mutans streptokokkien kolonisaatioon varhaislapsuudessa. B. lactis BB-12 ei myöskään lisännyt hampaiden reikiintymistä. B. lactis BB-12-ryhmässä esiintyi kahdeksan ensimmäisen ikäkuukauden aikana merkitsevästi vähemmän hengitystieinfektioita kuin kontrolliryhmässä. Tämä todettiin siitä huolimatta, että tutkimukseen osallistuneet lapset saivat rintamaitoa, mikä sinänsä parantaa lasten vastustuskykyä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että B. lactis BB-12:n annostelu varhaislapsuudessa on suun terveyden kannalta turvallista. Lisäksi B. lactis BB-12 saattaa lisätä rintamaitoa saaneiden lasten vastustuskykyä hengitystieinfektioita vastaan.Siirretty Doriast


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    Nutrition and Human Oral Health

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    This book contains the Nutrients Special Issue "Nutrition and Human Oral Health" edited by Dr. Kirstin Vach and Prof. Dr. Johan Woelber. It includes 18 wonderful publications that provide an outline of current scientific work in the field of nutritional dentistry

    Probiotic activity of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in the oral cavity

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    Yogurt consumption has been related to longevity of some populations living on the Balkans. Yogurt starter L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Str. thermophilus have been recognized as probiotics with verified beneficial health effects. The oral cavity emerges as a arget for probiotic applications. Probiotics have demonstrated promising results in controlling dental diseases and oral yeast infections. However, L. bulgaricus despite its broad availability in dairy products has not been evaluated for probiotic activity in the mouth. These series of studies investigated in vitro properties of L. bulgaricus to outline its potential as an oral probiotic. Prerequisite probiotic properties in the mouth are resistance to oral defense mechanisms, adherence to saliva-coated surfaces, and inhibition of oral pathogens. L. bulgaricus strains showed a strain-dependent inhibition of oral streptococci and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, whereas none of the dairy starter strains could affect growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Adhesion is a factor contributing to colonization of the species at the target site. Radiolabeled L. bulgaricus strains and L. rhamnosus GG were tested for their ability to adhere to saliva-coated surfaces. The effects of lysozyme on adhesion and adhesion of Streptococcus sanguinis after lactobacilli pretreatment were also assessed. Adhesion of L. bulgaricus remained lower in comparison to L. rhamnosus GG. One L. bulgaricus strain showed binding frequency comparable to S. sanguinis. Lysozyme pretreatment significantly increased Lactobacillus adhesion. Low gelatinolytic activity was observed for all strains and no conversion of proMMP-9 to its active form was induced by L. bulgaricus. Safety assessment ruled out deleterious effects of L. bulgaricus on extracellular matrix structures. Cytokine response of oral epithelial cells was assessed by measuring IL-8 and TNF-α in cell culture supernatants. The effect of P. gingivalis on cytokine secretion after lactobacilli pretreatment was also assessed. A strain- and time-dependent induction of IL-8 was observed with live bacteria inducing the highest levels of cytokine secretion. Levels of TNF-α were low and only one of ten L. bulgaricus strains stimulated TNF-α secretion similar to positive control. The addition of P. gingivalis produced immediate reduction of cytokine levels within the first hours of incubation irrespective of lactobacilli strains co-cultured with epithelial cells. According to these studies strains among the L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus species may have beneficial probiotic properties in the mouth. Their potential in prevention and management of common oral infectious diseases needs to be further studied.Jogurttibakteereista apua suu- ja hammassairauksiin? Jo 1900-luvun alussa esitettiin teoria jonka mukaan jogurtti edesauttaa terveyttä. Sittemmin jogurtin valmistuksessa käytettäviä bakteereita, erityisesti laktobasilleja on tutkittu paljon varsinkin suolistosai-rauksien suhteen. Probioottisista eli terveysvaikutteisista bakteereista saattaa olla apua myös suusai-rauksien kurissapitämisessä. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa tutkittiin bulgarialaisten meijerikantojen, Lactobacillus bulgaricus-bakteerien turvallisuutta ja kudosvaikutuksia. Laktobasillien tarttumisominai-suuksia tutkittiin laboratoriossa käyttäen hydroksiapatiittia simuloimaan hammaskudosta. Tulokset osoittivat, että tietyt meijeribakteerikannat tarttuivat selvästi toisia paremmin ja soveltuvat siten jatko-tarkasteluun. Syljen puolustusentsyymi lysotsyymi edesauttoi bakteerien tarttumista. Havainnoilla on käytännön merkitystä, sillä probioottinen teho edellyttää bakteerien kykyä tarttua kohdekudokseen. Kudosturvallisuus on tärkeää kaikessa bakteeriterapiassa. Tutkimussarjan toisessa osassa keskityttiin Lactobacillus bulgaricus-kantojen vaikutuksiin tulehdusreaktioiden ja kudosmodulaation kannalta. Tu-lokset osoittivat, että verrattaessa meijeribakteerikantojen vaikutusta tunnettujen patogeenibakteerien vaikutukseen, eivät tutkitut laktobasillit aktivoineet kudosmatriisin metalloproteinaaseja. Havainto ko-rostaa laktobasillien harmittomuutta joten ne vaikuttavat turvallisilta

    Dairy Propionibacteria: Less Conventional Probiotics to Improve the Human and Animal Health

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    Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host when administered in adequate amounts. In the last decades there has been a great interest from food and pharmaceutical industries to develop products containing probiotics due to the great demands of healthy foods and alternatives to conventional chemotherapy. Although the great bulk of evidence concerns lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, since they are members of the resident microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract, other less conventional genera like Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Pediococcus, Leuconostoc and Propionibacterium have also been considered. The genus Propionibacterium has been historically divided, based on habitat of origin, into “dairy” and “cutaneous” microorganisms which mainly inhabit dairy/silage environments and the skin/intestine of human and animals, respectively. Dairy propionibacteria are generally recognized as safe microorganisms whereas members of the cutaneous group have shown to be opportunistic pathogens in compromised hosts. In consequence, the economic relevance of propionibacteria derives mainly from the industrial application of dairy species as cheese starters and as biological producers of propionic acid and other metabolites like exopolysaccharides and bacteriocins to be used as thickeners and foods preservers, respectively. However, the ability of dairy propionibacteria to improve the health of humans and animals by being used as dietary microbial adjuncts has been extensively investigated. In this sense, our research group has been studying for the last two decades the probiotic properties of dairy propionibacteria isolated from different ecological niches. In the present article the current evidences supporting the potential of dairy propionibacteria to be used as probiotics are reviewed focusing in a less studied mechanism such as the protection of the intestinal mucosa by the binding of dietary toxic compounds. Nowadays there are clear evidences that propionibacteria used alone or combined with other microorganisms can exert beneficial effects in the host. Dairy propionibacteria have proven to posses many promising properties such as the production of nutraceuticals like vitamin B2, B12, K and conjugated linoleic acid, and their health promoting effects could be attributed to one or more of the following modes of action: i) influence on gut microbial composition and exclusion of pathogens; ii) modulation of the metabolic activities of the microbiota and host, and iii) immunomodulation. The most documented probiotic effects for propionibacteria within these categories include: bifidogenic effect in the human gut, improvement of nutrients utilization, hypocholesterolemic effect and anticarcinogenic potential immune system stimulation. Different studies have also described the ability of dairy propionibacteria to bind and remove toxic compounds from different environments such as the gut and food. Some of them have focused in the removal of mycotoxins, like Aflatoxin B and Fusarium sp. toxins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays whereas others have reported the binding of cyanotoxins and some heavy metals like cadmium and lead. It has been proposed that probiotic microorganisms may reduce by binding, the availability of free toxic compounds within the intestinal tract which reduces in turn, their negative effects. In this respect, in recent years we have been investigating the potential of dairy propionibacteria to protect the intestinal mucosa from the toxic and antinutritional effects of some common dietary substances like the plant lectins from the Leguminosae family. By in vitro and in vivo studies we have determined that certain strains are able to bind and remove different dietary lectins from media, preventing their cytotoxic effects on intestinal epithelial cells. Daily ingestion of P. acidipropionici CRL 1198, a dairy strain studied in our laboratory, at the same time than concanavalin A prevented the deleterious effects caused by this lectin on some morphological and physiological parameters related to intestinal functionality in mice. Propionibacteria reduced the incidence of colonic lesions, the enlargement of organs, the disruption of brush border membranes and the decrease of their disaccharidase activities. Since consumption of suitable propionibacteria may be an effective tool to avoid lectin-epithelia interactions, further investigations on their potential as probiotic detoxifying agents are actually ongoing With regard to animals’ health it has been reported that dairy propionibacteria directly fed to farm animals increased weight gain, food efficiency and health of many animals like chickens, laying hens, piglets and cows. With a wider insight, propionibacteria may be assayed as probiotics for other ruminants like goats and sheep since their milk-derived products are highly appreciated by consumers. It should be emphasized that much of the health benefits described above could be related to the ability of propionibacteria to remain in high numbers in the gastrointestinal tract by surviving the adverse environmental conditions and adhering to the intestinal mucosa. On the basis of the GRAS status of dairy propionibacteria and the positive results obtained by us and other authors, further studies are encouraged in order to select the appropriate strains for developing new functional foods that include these bacteria for human and animal nutrition.Fil: Zarate, Gabriela del Valle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin